At 4pm we attended a Sapphire Tea, in honor of the Royal Wedding, at the Podium Restaurant inside Hilton on Park Lane.
Leaving our hotel, Charring Cross, on our way
to Tea.
The stairway in the lobby.
Cocktail we received when we got to Tea.
Eating our sandwiches :)
The important stuff. 3 layers of nothing but sweets!
Bottom Layer: Chocolate Chip Scones
Middle Layer: Cupcakes
Top Layer: Lots of little goodies. The white tray, is white chocolate!
Super sweet Brazilian lady next to us was there by herself so we
ended up making a friend and taking turns documenting the experience.
In the lobby at The Hilton on Park Lane
Tonight we went to see "All's Well That Ends Well" at Shakespeare's Globe Theater.
Our view... front row balcony. Perfect!
Getting ready for the play to start.
London getting ready for the wedding!!
That green building, isn't really a building. It's scaffolding with a
"building" built around it for the media, across the street from Buckingham Palace.
People already claiming their spots!
In front of that statue, behind that white wall, is stairs... already packed.
London is EXTREMELY flat so steps are your only chance of being elevated
enough to see over people.
I would also like to ask for your thoughts and prayers for our family and friends at home in Alabama. They are in the middle of a crazy storm right now that has produced multiple tornadoes, some as big as a mile wide at the base. Parts of Alabama are flattened and the death toll is rising. Please take a moment to pray for the safety of those in danger. Missing them lots and hate that we are so far away with so much going on.