Wednesday, March 16, 2011


While we were in London, we took a few day trips. I don't remember where we went which day or what we saw on the same day... but here are the different places.

One of the Queens official residences and where she spends Easter.

The house Shakespeare grew up in, in Stratford-upon-Avon.

Shakespeare's backyard growing up.

Christ Church at Oxford University

The Dining Hall at Christ Church.
Look familiar? It didn't to me, but it
should to all you Harry Potter fans.

I thought the college I went to had strict visitation rules.
Oxford has them beat with the spikes, to make sure no one
uses those pipes to climb in or out of the windows.

We crammed a lot into a few days and it's all a blur, but we had so much fun! It was so neat to visit all of the places you learn about in school, but they seem so far away that it almost seems like they don't really exist when you're learning about them. 

Next Destination: Backpacking through Italy, Switzerland and France!!

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